The Aquaphotomics Children are Growing – part 1

Our Aquaphotomics Department has celebrated its first birthday and the aquaphotomics children are growing! We would like to introduce our family of Kobe University.

Yoko Osafune, collaborative researcher from Dr. Recella Co. Ltd.

In April this year a new researcher has joined our Lab!

Ms. Yoko Osafune, who graduated from Kobe University, Faculty of Agriculture has been working for some time in the industry, in the process quality control management before being recruited by Dr. Recella Co. Ltd. She has joined our Lab, with the special mission of learning Aquaphotomics with the final goal of establishing an Aquaphotomics laboratory specifically for the requirements of Dr. Recella in the research and development of water and cosmetic products based on the use of deep-sea water.

Yoko san will be staying with us for two years, and she has made a fast progress for the short time she has been with us so far. She has already reached the level people usually reach after 1 or 2 years of learning and wrote one paper in Japanese. She has a jovial personality, a special talent of making people feel at ease around her, connect to each other and work together. We have no doubt considering how extraordinary she is, that she will be a wonderful Lab leader one day in her company, and also make a great contribution to development of Aquaphotomics not only in Japan, but on the world level.