Recordings & Publications
Interactions of Linearly Polarized and Unpolarized Light on Kiwifruit Using Aquaphotomics
by Damenraj Rajkumar, Rainer Künnemeyer, Harpreet Kaur, Jevon Longdell and Andrew McGlone
Download the article:
Investigation of Water Interaction with Polymer Matrices by Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy
by Vanessa Moll, Krzysztof B. Beć,Justyna Grabska and Christian W. Huck
Download the article:
Changes in Water Properties in Human Tissue after Double Filtration Plasmapheresis — A Case Study
by Felix Scholkmann, and Roumiana Tsenkova
Download the article:
Water as a Link between Membrane and Colloidal Theories for Cells
by by E. Anibal Disalvo, A. Sebastian Rosa, Jimena P. Cejas and María de los A. Frias
Download the article:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce Webinar #2 of the Aquaphotomics Harvest Webinars Series. The second webinar will be held on Thursday, 10th of November, 5PM (JST) and consist of 4 lectures in English, with Japanese subtitles. Each lecture will be around 15 min and 5 min for discussion.
Once again, we would also like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Tsuki no Shizuku Foundation for their tremendous support in publishing the first Aquaphotomics Special Issue and in general their support for the aquaphotomics research, projects and publications.
Please find all the information about the lectures at the schedule below. The webinar will be held using Zoom platform free for all who wish to participate. All you need to do is sign up for attendance using a “Sign up” form provided below the schedule.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Aquaphotomics Harvest Webinar 2 – Schedule

Date: 2022/11/10 (Thursday)
Start: Japan Time (JST) 5:00 PM / Central European Time (CET) 9:00 AM
End: Japan Time (JST) 6:30 PM / Central European Time (CET) 10:30 AM
Presenter | Topic and Affiliation |
Damenraj Rajkumar | Interactions of Linearly Polarized and Unpolarized Light on Kiwifruit Using Aquaphotomics (Link to publisher) The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited, New Zealand |
Vanessa Moll | Investigation of Water Interaction with Polymer Matrices by Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy (Link to publisher) Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, University of Innsbruck, Austria |
Felix Scholkmann | Changes in Water Properties in Human Tissue after Double Filtration Plasmapheresis — A Case Study (Link to Publisher) Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Anibal Disalvo | Water as a Link between Membrane and Colloidal Theories for Cells (Link to Publisher) Laboratory of Applied Biophysics, Applied Biophysics and Food Research Center (CIBAAL), Argentina |
Dear Staffs,
I’m Tsuyoshi Kitanishi from Japan, a doctor (Dept of Otorhinolayngology).
I use a variety of therapies in addition to regular medical care, for example Homeopathy, Ayurveda.
I am interested in aquaphotomics and would like to learn more, please.
Tsuyoshi Kitanishi, M.D., Ph.D
Kitanishi ENT Clinic
President of Ayurveda Society in Japan
大阪府 きたにし耳鼻咽喉科院長 北西と申します。2021年の国際会議をオンラインで参加、視聴させていただきました。西洋医学以外に、ホメオパシーやアーユルヴェーダなど、色々な療法を取り入れて診察しています。アクアフォトミクスにはとても興味があり、学んでいきたいと思いますので、よろしくお願いします。なお、11月10日のセミナーは、診察が長引いて欠席させていただく場合もありますので、ご了解ください。 北西
Dear Staff
I’m Eduard Perez from Spain, Founder of Tapani.Global
I’m interesting in Aquaphotomics from the day Prof Roumiana Tsenkova analysed water from and expected results coming out.
Eduard Perez